Emergency’ funding released for EU fruit and veg growers
The European Commision (EC) has released €125m (£100m) of ‘emergency’ funding to help fruit and vegetable growers hit by Russia’s food import ban. Read more >>>
The European Commision (EC) has released €125m (£100m) of ‘emergency’ funding to help fruit and vegetable growers hit by Russia’s food import ban. Read more >>>
Seed companies, agro-dealers, and service providers in the horticultural sector in Uganda have welcomed the move by Transparency International (TI) to establish a mobile number where farmers can report cases of counterfeit seeds, herbicides and fertilizers. Francis Ekadu, the programmes coordinator at TI, has told farmers, agro dealers and service […]
The market gardeners’ association LTO Glaskracht said on Wednesday that Dutch growers are already feeling the bite of sanctions against Russia. Association chairman Nico van Ruiten told Radio 1 that growers are afraid to export their fresh produce and the prices are already falling. Bell peppers and tomatoes now fetch […]
The Pest Control Products Board (PCPB), the farm chemicals regulator in Kenya, has blamed the European Union (EU) for frequent changes in rules that threaten to lock Kenya’s fresh produce out of its market. “The EU keeps on changing rules and regulations on export of produce to its market and […]
The Ethiopian Horticulture Development Agency said 245 million USD was earned from the export of flowers, vegetables and fruits during the just-ended Ethiopian fiscal year. Agency Director-General Alem Woldegerima told Ethiopian News Agency that of the total revenue earned, 199.74 million USD was secured from flowers, 40 million USD from vegetables and 6 million USD from […]
Australia, Canada and Norway also targeted by year-long ban on fresh fruit and vegetable imports from the EU and US Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has signed a decree that makes official an expected ban on a broad range of foods including fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts from the EU […]
The European Union has announced a temporary ban on vegetable imports from Ghana after some were found to fall below EU quality standards, according to a report from Ghanaweb. Ghanaian farmers have faced bans from the EU in the past, most recently in May for citrus due to the presence […]
Amid growing political tensions over Russia’s apparent involvement in supplying the military hardware that brought down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, the country is showing initial signs that it may be considering a ban on some or all of the fruit exported from the European Union in retaliation to sanctions imposed […]